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Sometimes married couples reach the point where they are stuck in a state of arguing and unhappiness. At this point it can be really beneficial to go for marriage counselling.

Couples coming to Vale Therapy for relationship counselling often say that they are struggling to resolve marital problems themselves. So they are looking for a therapist to facilitate their conversations and help them fight fair.

Marriage counselling can help you find ways to tackle the most common marital problems:

Repeated arguments
Lack of sex and intimacy
Different values around children and money
Feeling unappreciated and taken for granted
Too little quality time
Questioning why you’re together

If you feel like you have reached an emotional gridlock with your partner, where you can not go on like this and something has to change, then contact Vale Therapy.

It is possible to revive the respect and attraction that originally brought you together. Sometimes this involves looking at your own part in the marriage and the effect you are having. 

There can be a lot of sadness, hurt, anger and resentment beneath the surface of marital difficulties. It takes courage to listen to your partner and a commitment to understand their point of view, let alone find the words to say what is important from your stand point. Communication problems can be worked on.

Relationship counselling can give you time and a structure to look at what is troubling in your marriage and gain new perspective. There is often a lot to be gained from the two of you just speaking to a counsellor.